Autumn is a beautiful season, but it brings change not just to nature, but also to our bodies. As temperatures drop, daylight decreases, and the stress of returning to routine after a summer break sets in, our hair can suffer the consequences, leading to seasonal hair loss.

This common phenomenon affects both men and women. In this article, we share simple yet effective steps to strengthen your hair’s structure and enhance its thickness, making it more resilient against shedding. Embrace the season with confidence, enjoying healthy and gorgeous hair all autumn long.

Натурални решения за справяне с есенния косопад

What causes autumn hair loss?

Hair follicles don’t remain in constant growth; they transition between two phases—growth and rest. When you’re healthy, about 80-90% of your hair follicles are in the growth phase, while only 10-20% are resting. However, when hair loss persists for an extended period, it’s known as Telogen Effluvium. This condition often occurs a few months after a triggering event, such as changes in climate, humidity, lifestyle, or hormonal imbalance. That’s why it’s crucial to start caring for your hair even before autumn arrives.


Proper hydration

След дългите и горещи месеци, косата е възможно да се изсуши, което я прави податлива на накъсване и начупване. За да предотвратите тези проблеми, ние препоръчваме хидратиращи маски и балсами, които съдържат натурални масла, като кокосово масло, жожоба и арганово масло. Те ще осигурят необходимата влага и ще направят косата по-гладка и по-здрава.

Regular scalp massage

Масажът на скалпа е един от най-добрите начини да стимулирате кръвообращението и да насърчите растежа на нови косми. Тайната за здравата коса на индийките е именно в редовните, дори ежедневни масажи на скалпа с базови масла. Тези масла, богати на хранителни вещества, подхранват корените на косата, стимулират кръвообращението и помагат за освобождаването на натрупаните токсини.

Био терапия за коса

With these benefits in mind, we created our Organic Hair Growth Serum. It is packed with a rich blend of natural oils that nourish and strengthen your hair:

  • Castor Oil: Promotes hair growth by stimulating hair follicles and fortifying the entire strand.
  • Black Pepper Essential Oil: Enhances circulation and helps prevent hair loss.
  • Rosemary Essential Oil: Encourages hair growth and improves scalp health.
  • Jojoba Oil: Penetrates deeply into the hair follicles, nourishing and strengthening from within.
  • Neem Oil: Helps prevent infections and irritations, promoting healthy hair growth and aiding in dandruff removal.
  • Argan Oil: Rich in essential fatty acids and vitamin E, it strengthens the hair shaft.
  • Coconut oil: Hydrates and fortifies the hair, leaving it softer and smoother. A 2021 study even found it enhances the scalp’s microbiome.

We recommend applying the serum to your hair roots. Place a small amount on your fingertips and gently massage it into the scalp in circular motions. This technique stimulates circulation, crucial for activating follicles and encouraging hair growth. Allow the serum to sit for about 20 minutes before washing it out with shampoo.

To strengthen the lengths of your hair, evenly distribute the serum by lightly massaging it in with your palms. This step is vital for filling cracks and preventing breakage, helping to maintain the integrity of your hair and reducing the risk of damage and shedding. Rinse thoroughly with shampoo and plenty of water to remove any serum residue.

For best results, use our Organic Hair Growth Serum several times a week or every other day for 3-4 weeks to enjoy visible and lasting effects.

Green tea

Green tea is renowned for its powerful antioxidant properties, which can greatly benefit your hair. It contains polyphenols that help improve the health of hair follicles and may prevent hair loss. Additionally, green tea’s anti-inflammatory properties can soothe an irritated scalp and promote healthy hair growth. Drinking green tea or incorporating its extract into shampoos and hair masks can also support your battle against hair loss.

Healthy diet and multivitamins

The health of your hair is directly linked to your diet, making it essential to include foods rich in vitamins and minerals to prevent autumn hair loss. B vitamins, along with vitamins C, D, and E, and minerals like zinc and iron, are particularly important. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and plant sources, as well as proteins from eggs, meat, legumes, and nuts, are also crucial for hair health. Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables protect against damage and aid in hair repair.

Избягване на прекомерно използване на топлинни уреди

Горещите уреди, като сешоар, преса за коса и маша, могат да увредят косата и да доведат до изсушаване и чупливост. За да минимизирате тези ефекти, опитайте се да намалите използването им. Оставете косата си да изсъхне естествено, когато е възможно, и се старайте да използвате минимални количества топлина, ако тове е необходимо.

Какво е комедогенен индекс и как да избираме козметиката си?

With autumn comes new adventures, and new opportunities to care for your hair’s health. By following these natural solutions and tips, along with our specially formulated Organic Hair Growth Serum, you can prevent autumn hair loss and enjoy strong, vibrant hair!

Photography copyright © RyanMcGuire, Pexels